Brett Guthrie
Brett Guthrie

We know that when Main Street does well, so do American families.

Dan Lipinski
Dan Lipinski

We are currently working on new policies to protect and create American jobs, particularly by improving education. We need more information in order to find the best solutions to this increasing concern for American families.

Deb Haaland
Deb Haaland

Too many American families go bankrupt from healthcare expenses, and low wage workers have to hold two or three jobs just to make ends meet, which leaves many young children without any hope of having a pre-K education - the most important start to a good education and a path out of poverty.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.

Ed Pastor
Ed Pastor

I will continue to support legislation that provides American families and Seniors affordable health care.

Edward Kennedy
Edward Kennedy

We are giving assurance to the American families that help is on its way.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

The 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act will reestablish a wall between commercial and investment banking, make our financial system more stable and secure, and protect American families.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

The family I'm from, well, no one had their name on big buildings. My family were builders of a different kind. Builders in the way most American families are. They used whatever tools they had - whatever God gave them - and whatever life in America provided - and built better lives and better futures for their kids.

Howard Coble
Howard Coble

Finally, I do not believe that we should punish American families who have worked diligently to provide for themselves and want to pass along their success to their children and grandchildren.

J. D. Hayworth
J. D. Hayworth

Low unemployment numbers are clear indicators that Republican tax relief and economic policies are spurring growth and helping businesses hire new workers while providing American families with job security.